Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

I manged to survive Christmas, my 66 birthday and New Years eve in that order. For New Year's eve my wife Cindy, son Brendan, and I watched Julie and Julia. I thoroughly enjoyed this flick and am inspired by it. A new year resolution I am making is to do a much better job of blogging on a regular basis. No I do not intend to master the art of French cooking. However, I would like to become a better math teacher and maybe help others do the same.

We will have two more weeks of classes at Lawrence High when we resume on the 4th. In my level four class I have been torn between finishing with All in the Family which is about families of functions or Strive for Quality which deals with combinarics. Because we just completed Risky Business I have decided to go with combinarics. It is a more hands on modules, and the kids should enjoy it more. I am making a similar decision for my level 2 class, but that is for another blog.

On another note am I the only one that is concerned about priorities in the media? I enjoyed Micheal Jackson's music, and am sorry for his passing. During the last week's obligatory review of 2009 I have seen stories about him at least once a day. I read an article about seven Americans who were killed in Afghanistan by a suicide bomber. Today on page three there was a story about how he got in the compound. No where in either of these stories can I find the names or homes of the Americans. How about the names and homes of all of the American soldiers we lost in 2009 while serving their country? Wow, you can read all you want about Tiger Woods. Phew, I'm not saying these thing should not be in the news, but let's focus on what really matters.

Thanks for letting an old man ramble for a bit. Please feel free to jump into the blog anytime. Be well, Jim

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